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新目标七年级英语下册教案:Unit 5 I’m watching TV

来源:学大教育     时间:2017-01-17 20:04:38

英语教案是老师进行教学的重要参照,在学习英语新课之前阅读老师写的教案可以帮助大家掌握重点内容,因此在课前预习的时候要学会利用老师的教学教案,为此下面学大教育网为大家带来新目标七年级英语下册教案:Unit 5 I’m watching TV,希望大家能够认真阅读。


本单元以“What are you doing?”引出话题:谈论人们正在做什么?使学生们学会如何了解或表述目前的一种状态,这即是现在进行时,它表示说话时正在进行的动作或发生情况,而一般现在时表示经常性的状况或事情。

Section A:听说为主,感受语言,运用基础语言( 通过听、看图确定或描述人物的动作 )重点掌握和运用What are you doing? What’s he/she doing? 和Is Nancy doing homework?及其答语等句型。

Section B: 强调知识拓展,重视读写,设置了要求运用所学语言完成的各种任务,使学生能够对上述已学的目标句型运用自如,培养学生综合运用语言知识的能力。

Self-check:是词汇知识的评价,语言运用能力的评价。包括四个部分,对本单元所学词汇的检测、添加生词、看图描述,最后在Just for Fun小幽默中轻松愉快地结束本单元。



1. 语言知识目标:



交际用语:① What are you / they doing ?

I'm / We're/ They're watching TV.

② What’s he /she doing ?

He / She is doing homework.

③ Is he/ she watching TV?

Yes, he/ she is.

No, he/ she isn't.

2. 语言技能目标:

① 能用现在进行时的各种形式进行准确的描述和表达正在发生的动作。

② 通过情景中的操练,培养学生的发散思维能力,激发学生的想象力,培养学生的语言交际能力。

③ 能够用自己在本单元中所学的语言内容与笔友进行对话与通信。

3. 情感态度目标

① 有明确的学习目的,能认识到学习英语的目的在于交流,敢于用英语进行表达。

② 通过小组竞赛激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生的参与意识,竞争意识与合作意识,使学生获得成功的喜悦。

4. 学习策略目标:





② 巩固书信的表达方式。









1 、提问引入法通过提问,集体,分组,分行回答 , 或学生逐个回答的形式开展教学,检查和巩固新旧知识。

2 、交际功能法通过集体,分组,两人,个人操练等形式,达到交际的目的。


针对本课的内容,我采用了五步教学法:第一步:热身 -- 激活旧知识,创设轻松活跃的课堂气氛。第二步:呈现 -- 呈现新内容,感知旧内容;第三步:操练 -- 用多种方式操练新知识;第四步:巩固 -- 通过游戏,听力练习和笔头练习相结合的方式,巩固新知识。第五步:应用 -- 布置任务性活动,让学生在用中学,在乐中学,学了就用。同时坚持“教师为主导,学生为主体,任务为基础”的教学原则,在课堂教学的不同环节教师扮演自身作为“设计者,研究者,组织者,促进者,协调者”的角色。所以本课时以任务型教学为主,融合直观教学法,情景教学法和交际教学法,培养学生口语交际能力,培养学生观察能力、英语思维能力和动手能力。




重点: ① 掌握好重点句型:

What are you doing ?

What’s he / she doing ?

Is Nancy doing homework ?

② 现在进行时的用法


难点: ① 现在进行时中现在分词的结构及读音,能在交际中准确地运用现在进行时来描述或表达正在进行的动作。

② 如何用所学句型进行综合运用,尤其在写作中,要注意写作内容的丰富性和句型的多样性。




The First Period

Step 1. Flash and presentation:

Ss watch a flash “Are you eating”. Then they sing with it.

T: Yes. They’re eating. And are you eating?

Ss: No, we aren’t.

T: What are you doing, then?

Ss: We’re having an English class.

(Flash 5-1) T: Are they having an English class, too?

Ss: No, they aren’t. They’re cleaning.

T: What’s he doing?

S1: He’s reading a book.

T: And is this boy reading, too?

S2: No, he isn’t. He’s doing homework.

T: What’s this man doing?

S3: He’s talking on the phone.

T: What about the boy?

S4: He’s watching TV.

T: Yes, he’s watching a TV show.

T: Are they watching TV, too?

S5: No. They’re eating dinner.

T: What’s the woman doing?

S6: She’s shopping.

T: What are they doing?

S7: They’re swimming.

T: What’s the girl doing?

S8: She’s taking photos.

T: So what’s in her hand?

Ss: It’s a camera.

Step 2. Chant:

What are you doing? I’m learning, you are teaching.

What are you doing? I’m listening, you are speaking.

What are you doing? I’m writing, you are drawing.

What are you doing? I’m singing, you are dancing.

Step 3. Challenge:

T: Choose and ask and answer about the pictures.

(Ss choose one of their favorite animals and there will be a picture, then they ask and answer in pairs. Using: what’s he/she doing? He’s/She’s …)

Step 4. Tasks:

(Flash 5-1):

1a: Match the words with the activities. Then Ss ask and answer in pairs.

1b: Listen and tell what different people are doing. Write numbers from 1a. Show them the conversations and read them.

1c: Pair work. Ask and answer questions according to the pictures in 1a.

Step 5. Game:

1. Show an action, ask: What am I doing?

2. Get the student who gives the right answer to show an action, too and ask the others: What am I doing.

Step 6. Exercises: (Flash 5-1)

Finish the exercises and check them in class.

Step 7. Homework:

Recite the new words and finish off exercise books.

The Second Period

Step 1 Game and revision:

T: What’s the boy doing in this picture?

Ss: He’s watching TV.

T: Is this girl watching TV, too?

Ss: No. She’s dancing.

T: Well, she’s my cousin. She’s lovely. She’s doing many things. And I’ll show you the pictures very quickly and try to guess what she’s doing. Work in pairs, ask: Is she…? Yes, she is. /No, she isn’t. She’s…

Step 2. Game and practice:

Flash 5-2:

T: Look at this girl, her name is Mary. Can you guess what she’s doing?

S1: Is she doing homework?

(Show the whole picture)

S2: No, she isn’t. She’s playing with a bird.

Get Ss to ask and answer in pairs about other pictures.

Step 3. Tasks:

1. T: What’s Steve doing, do you know?

Ss: …

T: Listen and tell me what he’s doing.

(Ss listen and answer the two questions in 2a.)

2b: Put the questions and answers in order to make a conversation. Then Ss read the conversation together.

3a: Write the correct numbers of the pictures next to the conversations. Ss read the conversations and make their own conversations.

4: Pairwork: Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Then cover the questions and say what’s happening in the pictures. Then show the correct answers and Ss read and retell the whole story.

Step 4. Homework:

Ss finish off their exercise book as the homework.

学大教育网为大家带来了新目标七年级英语下册教案:Unit 5 I’m watching TV,希望大家能掌握利用英语教案的学习方法,想要获取更多的英语教案资讯,请登录学大教育网查阅。

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